There are many members of our community who choose to only access on-leash areas.
But, no matter where you go in the Inner West there are always off-leash dogs in on-leash areas.
This issue causes hurt and distress on a wide scale level.
Illegal off-leash walkers are bullies who have no respect for boundaries.
Companion Animal:
For most households a Companion Animal is the family dog.
The role of a Companion Animal is to provide loyalty, love, friendship and companionship.
Many of us refer to our dog as a member of our family.
Some of us call them our kids.
Dogs play an essential role in our lives:
Often healing the scars of human relationships that might be lost or have always been void.
Service Dog aka Assistance Animal:
A Service Dog is a Companion Animal.
However the most important layer of the definition includes their legal status.
A Service Dog aka Assistance Animal has had to pass assessment that they exhibit appropriate behaviours in all situations of public access. This is why they are allowed in all forms of public transport and can go into all places of business such as shops, offices and hospitals. The most well known Service Dog is a Guide Dog.
Did you know that when Service Dogs are attacked, they have been trained not to fight back.
The main roles of the Service Dog aka Assistance Animal include:
To avoid distraction i.e. ignore unknown people and to not interact with unknown dogs
At all times to remain focussed on their Handler
At all times to exhibit calm behaviour
The function of Service Dogs aka Assistance Animals is that they are task trained to alleviate the effects of Their Person’s disability.
Disabilities Include:
A Physical Impairment that limits a person’s movement and dexterity.
Examples: a large dog may assist their person who suffers from balance issues with stability.
Any breed dog can be trained to open cupboards and drawers. To fetch items such as a drink from the fridge. To find lost belongings around the home. To pick up dropped possessions such as keys, wallet and phone. Even to help their person take their socks off, as well as other articles of clothing.
Loss of senses such as sight and hearing:
Guide Dogs help keep a vision impaired person to keep safe when negotiating obstacles and dangers that those of us who can see take for granted.
Any breed of dog can be trained to alert a deaf person that the groceries were just delivered, the telephone has rung, an intruder is on the premises or that the smoke alarm has gone off.
Chronic illnesses:
Medical alert dogs are trained in detection of abnormal cells. Example - early stage cancer recurrences.
Seizure alert dogs know in advance when a person is about to suffer an epilepsy episode, hypoglycemic crash or even a heart attack.
Other Invisible Disabilities such as mental health challenges.
These include dogs who are trained to respond and assist their person getting through an episode.
Examples: PTSD, Dissociation, Anxiety, Psychosis. Any dog can be trained to perform tasks that minimize trauma and interrupt the person from self harming.
My Background:
I come from a background of animal rescue.
My role includes rehabilitating dogs who have suffered abandonment, heartbreak, disability, neglect or abuse.
I have an intermediate knowledge in understanding canine psychology and in dog training.
It is my job to rebuild a dog’s confidence and to fix canine anti-social behavioural issues.
Dog Handler:
Someone who has built a mutually respectful and mutually focussed bond with their dog.
Their dog’s focus is on them by regularly checking in.
Their dog walks beside them calmly on a loose leash.
The Worst Problems That We Have To Deal With Out In The Field:
Off-leash dogs roaming free in residential areas.
People who exercise their dog in this way are ignorant, over-entitled and selfish.
In the dog walking world, these grubs are the equivalent of drunk drivers.
It's "all about them".
These people have zero respect for other people's boundaries.
When somebody gets hurt, they never take responsibility.
They are quick to flee the scene, leaving a wake of devastation behind them.
Warning Signs Include:
Dogs whose attention is locked-on, staring and fixated on our dog.
Untrained dogs lunging, pulling, invading the personal space of others is aggressive and abusive.
Off-leash dog park behaviour of dogs behaving errattically and rushing at other unknown dogs..
For those of us in vulnerable situations, uncontrolled dogs constantly put us into positions of danger.
All residential areas are ON-LEH areas by law.
The Companion Animals Act was a Labor initiative - led by Mayor of Waverley, Ernie Page.
The Companion Animals Bill was the result of tens of thousands of community consultation submissions.
Community feedback gave widespread concern about non-controlled dogs and dog attacks.
After going through parliament on 6th May 1998, The Companion Animals Act became NSW Law.
Here is Inner West resident,
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with his calm, well behaved dog, Toto.
A leash on your dog is as important as a seatbelt on you.
Unobtrusive, light weight and it is designed to keep everybody safe.
When an emergency happens, the containment that a leash provides
gives you enough skill to maintain the best control in a bad situation.
Dog Attacks and car accidents devastate their victims without warning.
The victim who suffered as a result of somebody else's recklessness was Mr Albanese.
Albo was T-Boned by a less experienced driver.
The analogy is the same.
Inexperienced off-leash dog walkers, inflict hurt, distress and trauma.
This is because,
Disability Discrimination in relation to The Companion Animals Act Includes:
All Residential Areas Are On-Leash.
For persons who are already struggling to remain upright.
Any dog that rushes ahead, strains, lunges, invades personal space etc, causes distress and worry.
Uncontrolled dogs easily cause accident, adverse medical reaction and injury.
Symptoms inflicted include anxiety, physical pain or causing a fall, as well as,
These stressors can trigger much more serious consequences including broken limbs, heart attack, seizures etc.
Every single human being (and their calm well behaved dog) should be able to access
any public street and any public park with Equal Opportunity For Peace And Enjoyment.
This issue is about mutual respect and consideration of other people's boundaries.